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GRASS Token Airdrop

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Learn About Grass

What is Grass and How Does it Work?

Grass is the underlying infrastructure that powers AI models. By installing the Grass web extension, the application will automatically sell your unused internet to AI companies, who use it to scrape the internet and train their models. The result? You share in the growth of AI, earning a stake in the network for selling a resource you didn’t even know you had.

Ready to join the revolution?

What Are Network Resources & How Are They Used?
Personal Data

Backbone of the AI Revolution

By participating in Grass, you’re directly contributing to the
growth of artificial intelligence. Networks like these are required to train AI models,
and AI labs are some of our biggest customers.

Personal Data

Protected Personal Data

Grass is a network for exchanging bandwidth and bandwidth only.
There is no possible way for buyers to see your data or view your activity.
Security and privacy are 100% guaranteed.

Boost Your Rewards with Our Referral Program

Invite friends to join Grass & grow your Earnings.

Boost Your Rewards with Our Referral Program

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Download the Grass Web Extension

Create Account

Log into your Grass Account on the Extension


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Browse our latest news

Dive deep into our collection of articles, stories, and updates on all things Grass. Whether you’re looking for industry trends, company updates, or behind-the-scenes glimpses, our blog offers a wealth of knowledge to feed your curiosity.

Touch Grass Challenge

In celebration of the world’s first L2 data rollup, we’re excited to announce the Touch Grass Challenge! Players can win exclusive Grass merchandise for creating the most interesting, bold, and fun ways to run a Grass node. We’ll be running the challenge for 4 weeks starting, from April 4th until M

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Grass: The First Ever Layer 2 Data Rollup

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been releasing content to explain Grass’s role in the AI stack.  As you now know, the protocol performs a number of functions that help builders access web data to train their models with.  This is the crucial first stage of the AI pipeline and the launching point for

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Grass is the Data Layer of AI

TL;DR: Grass is a decentralized network for accessing the public web, and thus accessing the data necessary to train AI models.  As it expands into the business of cleaning and preparing structured datasets, it becomes an integral part of the basis for AI’s existence - the data layer of AI. Introdu

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Your view of the internet is valuable. Get paid for it.